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Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 4, 2010

Labor Day Weekend.  The weather is a gift -- I love the warm (not hot or humid) days and the cool nights.  My daughter is here visiting friends this weekend, and is spending today at the State Fair.  Her birthday is Tuesday, although she's going back to CA on Monday.

The past few days have been very uneventful.  I've had plenty of energy, have been sleeping and eating well, and am gearing up for the next round, which is this coming Wednesday (due to the Labor Day holiday which took over and bumped my Monday date).

No unusual symptoms lately, although I have noticed that, while I used to be able to sleep straight through the night without having to get up, since chemo started I have to get up at least once, usually around 3:30 AM, and sometimes twice.  This is not due to increased liquid consumption, since I have not been drinking as much fluids as is recommended.  (This will need to change.)

1 comment:

  1. Ia m a friend of Melodys. I just finished my cancer treatment. Everyon says...oh breast cancer is easily treated now and they can do so much. Well they are not ones going through it. If you ever need to me at
    I had almost every side effect possible from chemo and radiation.
    I can't remember a lot of it but I know I could not have held a job at that time.
    I will pray for you and your family.
