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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Agusut 24, 2010 - PM

All in all, I think I had a very good day today.  Got a little tired in the early afternoon, and kind of felt like you do when you're on the verge of getting a cold.  But other than that, I feel suprisingly ... normal.  Oh, other than the brain muddleness.  But that could be advancing years, too.

Closed the shop at 3:30 and went to Waconia for my Neulasta injection.  (I had planned to write more here about the injection, it's purpose, etc. but frankly, I'm way too tired tonight.)  Got home around 5:30 (after another side trip to Target).  While Al mowed the lawn, I attemped to advance in my Deathly Hallows book, but I was overcome by a heavy tiredness.  Couldn't really sleep, but couldn't do much of anything else, either.

Bonny showed up with a fabulous meal about the time Al finished the lawn (perfect timing).  We ate (I had about a half an appetite), watched the news and an episode of Rubicon (which I may not have picked up all the details on), and now at 9:00 PM I can hardly wait to hit the bed.

Just took another anti-nausea pill (they said to stay ahead of it, rather than behind it) and an ibuprofen (in case the aches from the injection wake me up), and I'm turning in.  So nice to have one of those nights where we can leave the windows open all night.  I may not hear the coyotes tonight; hopefully I'll be too sound asleep.  G'Night.

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