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Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18, 2010 - Chemo 7

It's been difficult for me to keep up with this blog recently -- and not necessarily because I'm so affected by the chemo.  But this has been an extremely busy time for me in many respects, and I've been occupied doing other things.

Chemo 7 was on Monday, and went without incident.  I finally realized I could drive myself to chemo and back, and did so.  Tuesday afternoon I went back again for my shot, the dosage for which was reduced again because my white cell count has been higher than it needs to be.  All this week I've been converting the shop over to Christmas hoping to get it all done in time for this month's occasional sales.  Unfortunately, the occasional sales started today and I wasn't completely there yet.  Everything I wanted to get out isn't out yet, and areas of the shop I hoped would have been cleaned out by now aren't.  But I'm doing the best I can.

Wednesday evening I was very tired and starting to get the soreness that seems to come as a result of the shot.  Even though they've considerably cut back on the dosage, it hasn't eliminated the pain and discomfort I get (for a day or two) in my feet, legs and hips.  Tonight (Thursday) it's even more pronounced -- not unbearable, but I feel like I have "restless leg syndrome;" I keep having to shift my feet and legs to try to make them more comfortable.  In addition, I have two numb toes (a known side effect of Taxol) that feel kind of funny in my shoes.  If things go as they have been, I should be done with the foot/leg pain by tomorrow.

Which is good, because I still have a lot to do.  Tomorrow morning I'm going to the Minneapolis Gift Mart Sample Sale with my friend, Ann.  Then the occasional sale continues for two more days, along with the  aforementioned cleaning and merchandising.  We've been getting some new product lines in for Christmas, so that product needs to be priced and added into inventory.

Then there's our Savvy Soiree on December 2.  We set this up long before I was ever diagnosed with breast cancer, and I'm sure it will all turn out fine - but it still seems daunting.  Up to 65 shoppers will descend on Carver Country Flowers & Gifts at 6:00 that evening (having all pre-registered at www.Savvy.MN) for shopping, door prizes, refreshments and an educational seminar.  We're really looking forward to it -- but it will happen four days after Chemo 8.  In other words, I can expect to be feeling that night pretty much the way I'm feeling right now -- which will take a little effort (and Aleve) to get through.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning and not having my feet hurt.

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