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Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010 - Chemo 6 AM

Good morning, everyone!  How did we manage to get to November so fast???  Halloween (and a lot of overbought candy) is behind us - well, the candy isn't quite behind us yet, but it will be soon.  For the past few years we've been trending up on the number of Trick or Treaters we get, so we expected quite a few more this year.  Instead we got less.  Wonder why that was.

Anyway, it's early.  I'm heading for a quick run to the shop.  I forgot to put my sign on the door yesterday indicating that I'd be closed all day today for chemo, so I have to run back and do that.  While I'm there I'll put stamps on the shop bills I paid yesterday (while watching that stupid Vikings game) and get those to the post office.  Then I'll be waiting for Bev to come pick me up to take me to chemo.

Treatment #5, my first on Taxol, seemed to be a bit easier on the heartburn and mouth sores, but a little tougher on the fatigue.  On the other hand, my acupuncturist and I had trouble scheduling any treatments prior to Chemo 5, so maybe that made a difference.  We were able to connect both last Sunday and yesterday, so I feel more fortified for today's chemo.  Again, we'll see.  Each day is a new adventure.

For these Taxol treatments, since they take 4 hours rather than 2, I need to come prepared.  Of course the first priority is the big, compelling book.  I'm about a quarter of the way through Drums of Autumn, book 2 in Diana Gabaldon's time travel series about Jamie and Claire (my first reading of this book having occurred shortly after its publication in 1992), so that's coming with me.  Also the little footie socks they gave me after my surgery and a packed lunch, since I won't be done with treatment until 2:30 or so.  And a few snack size Milky Way bars (we HAVE to get rid of this Halloween candy).  A can of diet Sierra Mist.  My Blackberry, of course.  And my planner, in case something I need to do occurs to me while I'm following Jamie and Clair around France.

I'll try to report again in a day or two.  Happy November!

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